Secured File Transfers

Quicker and Secure File Deliveries

Modern organizations operating in the fast-paced and data-driven digital world require much more than the standard secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).From complex workflows to unreliable software, a secure file transfer solution counteracts the common or less common inefficiencies in file transfer to enable more productive, accurate and efficient workforce collaboration.Simply having the capacity to transfer a file from one location to another isn’t enough. The robust capabilities that a secure file transfer solution provides must be flexible for a diverse infrastructure and dataset, from an SMB environment to the more complex and expansive large enterprise environment.Without a secure and efficient method of file transfer, the modern enterprise is left exposed to an array of productivity and security vulnerabilities.

Data Security Protect your data, protect your network. Left unprotected, data at rest or in transit can be a huge risk for a breach. Data encryption, secure protocols, strong ciphers, encryption keys, and password policies all support data transfer security so that you’re better equipped to safeguard sensitive information and avoid data breaches.

Visibility Protect the productivity of your employees and better support your data management strategy. Without a secure file transfer solution, visibility over data is limited. The lack of system visibility becomes a hindrance on productivity and security.

Integration provides better connectedness over various systems that move and contain data within an organization’s network, including its business-critical applications. Data integration means once disparate applications can work together, while also ensuring that administrators can monitor data transfer processes and workflows without delay.

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